Friday, March 27, 2009

Save the date!

Jesus the Good Shepherd Catholic Church

invites you to attend


presented by Jack Jezreel


6:30 pm to 9:30 pm

The JustFaith program has inspired many people to become involved in working for social justice. Interfaith members will find this presentation by the JustFaith founder of particular interest.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Delta Cluster Meeting with Alexander

Delta Cluster
Northern & Central Louisiana Interfaith
Tuesday, April 14, 6:30 p.m.
Tallulah, LA

The Delta Cluster has scheduled this meeting with Congressman Rodney Alexander to discuss job training in the Delta. Monroe Cluster leaders are encouraged to attend. Stay tuned for additional information about place.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Urgent Need

NOVA needs Math Tutors

NOVA has 15 participants in the Certified Manufacturing Specialist Program. They will complete the first phase of the program next week. The second phase is scheduled to begin April 6.

The second phase (Computer Numerical Control) is a computer based class with heavy emphasis on math. Some of our participants struggled with the math in the first phase. Those students will need tutoring in math to continue in the program. This is where the Interfaith Family can play a vital role in their success.

Any one with a good grasp of math who is willing to help--NOVA needs you!

Time is of the essence. Without tutoring some of our participants are marginal for acceptance into the second phase of the training program. NOVA hopes to have math instruction ready to start by March 23. The maximum number of students requiring assistance is 9 (this number includes 5 NOVA participants and 4 non-NOVA participants).

Please contact Juanita Woods at NOVA or refer your math competent friends: 362-3395

Sunday, March 8, 2009

3 Events This Week

Special Meeting for Clergy & Key Leaders
Tuesday, March 10
Noon - 1:15 pm
NOVA offices, Workforce Investment Board
1301 Hudson Lane

This meeting is to inform a wider group of people about NOVA. Interfaith clergy and leaders are encouraged to attend and bring others who need to know about this initiative.

Interfaith to City Council re NOVA
Tuesday, March 10
6:00 pm
Council Chambers, City Hall

Interfaith leaders and NOVA staff will speak to City Council during their public comment hour before the Council meeting begins. Council will be asked to again support NOVA financially as an economic development initiative.

Interfaith Training for House Meetings Campaign
Saturday, March 14, 9:00 - 12:30
Mount Nebo Baptist Church
2930 Jackson St.

This house meetings training is for all institutions interested in growing and strengthening as institutions. House meetings help institutions identify leaders and issues people are willing to work together to address.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Interfaith Training for House Meetings Campaign
Saturday, March 14, 9:00 - 12:30
Mount Nebo Baptist Church
2930 Jackson St.

This house meetings training is for all institutions interested in growing and strengthening as institutions. House meetings help institutions identify leaders and issues people are willing to work together to address.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Training Saturday

Interfaith Training for House Meetings Campaign
Saturday, March 7, 9:00 - 12:30
Mount Nebo Baptist Church
2930 Jackson St.

This house meetings training is for all institutions interested in growing and strengthening as institutions. House meetings help institutions identify leaders and issues people are willing to work together to address.