From time to time all of you have offered to help when we have a community issue. I need your help now.
As you know, Gardner Denver Thomas, a local company that employees 86 people, will consolidate with another plant. What we do not know at this time is if the company will choose to consolidate in Sheboygan, Wisc. or Monroe. If they choose to consolidate in Monroe, our community could gain more than 200 jobs that pay $15 or more per hour plus benefits. The company could potentially consolidate other facilities here, too.
Company officials are working with a team of community officials to put together the most aggressive package we can offer. One component is compiling a list of people who are interested in working at the plant if Gardner Denver Thomas consolidates here. To find potential employees, Gardner Denver Thomas is hosting a job fair Monday, February 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm at the Monroe Civic Center Conference Hall.
Those who are interested in these living-wage jobs with benefits need to complete a survey form. This can be done at the Civic Center Monday the 16th, or at the Chamber all of next week. Interfaith leaders will receive a copy of the form via e-mail, as well as a flier advertising the job fair. These items should be printed and distributed at all Interfaith institutions and to neighbors and friends--anyone who might be interested in this opportunity. We need to get the word out!
Also, we need letters from the community that encourage company officials to come to Monroe because of the great and productive workforce and caring and welcoming community we have. We need to include a note that we will welcome anyone relocating to the area and will help them adjust to the community. Several years ago, when we were trying to bring State Farm to Monroe , several of our churches offered to “adopt” families to help with their transition. It would be great if we could do that again.
Interfaith leaders will also receive a sample letter via e-mail, but feel free to rework in your own words. PLEASE SEND THESE LETTERS TO: Sue Nicholson, Monroe Chamber of Commerce, 212 Walnut Street, Suite 100 , Monroe , LA 71201, or drop them at the Chamber office (same address). All letters will be sent in one proposal to GDT officials.
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